Should You Check the Oil on a Long-Term Rental?
Should You Check the Oil on a Long-Term Rental?
January 4, 2021 Comments Off on Should You Check the Oil on a Long-Term Rental?Prior to modern-day oil sensors, it was recommended to check your oil level every week and for older vehicles, this is still the case. However, any rental will most likely be a modern car with the new sensors that notify you when the oil is low, but it is still recommended that you check the oil yourself every couple of weeks, after ever 1,000 miles and before heading on a long trip. Newer cars can also need topping up now and then.
When check the oil level, remember these tips:
• If you have just been running the car, allow it to cool before checking oil levels.
• Always pull the dip stick out, wipe it clean, then reinsert and pull out again to get an accurate reading.
• If low, top it up with a high-quality engine oil that is compatible with the vehicle.
• If you are having to fill the oil up often, this could indicate a leak and the vehicle should be inspected by a professional mechanic.
• Ensure that the rental company changes the oil every 3,000-5,000 miles or every six months.